Why You Should Watch The NBA Finals

Most years, the road to the NBA Finals is pretty tame. Even when Michael Jordan graced the friendly skies of the United Center, he didn’t have too much trouble making it to the finals. And then came this year. A brink of potential madness that ebbed and overturned not a briny washup of minor timing and opportunity, but rather two pearls: the Duncan-led San Antonio Spurs and His Majesty King James’ Miami Heat. Continue reading “Why You Should Watch The NBA Finals”

Grown Ups 2 Trailer

Adam Sandler movies will never get old; they may not be as funny as his Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison days, but they will sure sell tickets.  Grown Ups was a nice surprise when it hit theaters three years ago, but Sandler brought all of his star power buddies with him for that one; then again, he pretty much does that with every film, doesn’t he?  We’re not complaining.  Well on July 12th Sandler & Co are back on the big screen for the Grown Ups sequel, Grown Ups 2; while I’m sure it will sell well, how will it rank amongst the towering stack of other Grade A comedies getting released this summer, like The Internship, or This Is The End?  2013 is one of the best looking years for comedies in years; label me excited!

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Gordon Freeman and Chell Go on a (Mute) Date

First off, how about a high five to a Mr. MikeNGary?  Or wait, is it two gentlemen: Mike and Gary?  Either way, he/they have put together a pretty awesome, live action Half-Life/Portal dating redux that highlights one of the oddest elements of gaming still around today: mute characters.  As a huge Half-Life fan, I have to get my obligatory, “WHERE IS HALF-LIFE 3?”, post out of the way, so there you go Valve.  Make it happen.  Where were we?  Oh yeah, mute video game characters.  Gordon Freeman and Chell are two of many, many video game main characters that were programmed without a voice, maybe to save disc space, possibly out of boredom, or maybe just as a proverbial middle finger to all of our imaginations; who knows outside of the developers?  I think the starkest example I can think of from my recent gaming memory is Dragon Age: Origins; I usually don’t have an issue with mute main characters, but that was just super weird. I know I’m not alone with that one.

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Arrested Development Season 4 Initial Thoughts

Bluth Family Photo 2

It’s finally here, and thanks to my shoddy wireless router, I have fallen well behind the pack with the long awaited fourth season of Arrested Development.  Almost simultaneous to the show’s release on Netflix does my wireless router decide to revert back to ancient Internet speeds, making my streaming Netflix basically un-watchable.  You know it’s bad when you can’t even watch a hilarious YouTube video on SQ because it takes 15 minutes to load; thankfully, yesterday, I was able to fix the problem and enjoy the first three episodes of Season 4.  So what are my initial thoughts on the season everyone has been waiting for all these years?  If you haven’t seen the first three episodes yet, and don’t appreciate a good spoiler, then I’d hold off on hitting that tantalizing link below; that was your warning.  The rest of ya’all, click away.

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Man of Steel Trailer Finally Makes Superman Cool

Who should I thank?  Christopher Nolan may be my first guess, but Zach Snyder probably deserves the biggest high-five since he’s the director.  Superman has been a mammoth in the comic book world since its inception, but to this guy, the character himself, along with the television shows and lately the movies have all been super cheesy.  Maybe I’m a little biased because of my preference for Batman, but I don’t want to bring in the superhero debate.  I mentioned Mr. Nolan earlier on because Man of Steel, the latest Superman movie to hit the big screen in just two weeks on June 14th, has that same dark feel that the most recent Batman director brought to the Dark Knight series, and that has me really pumped for this flick.  Watch the trailer and I guarantee you’ll agree; Man of Steel looks legit.

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Prisoners Movie Trailer

I love a movie with a great villain.  Paul Dano, who you may know from Little Miss Sunshine, Looper, or There Will Be Blood fame, looks like an awesome villain in an intriguing new mystery/thriller entitled, Prisoners, starring Hugh Jackman, Jake Gylennhaal, Terrance Howard, and Melissa Leo, which hopes to creep viewers out in theaters this September 20th.  The bottom line, at least from what I can glean from the great trailer, is that this is your pretty standard child abduction thriller, except Dano may prove to be the difference maker.  Prisoners features a ginormous amount of Academy Award-star power with five nominees, and one winner in Mr. Howard; if Paul Dano can deliver as the villain, then this film may really shine.

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Games We Want: The Last of Us – New Footage

Back on April 3rd, which seems like a long time ago (this is our 100th post, believe it or not!), we published an amazing trailer for Naught Dog’s upcoming adventure game, “The Last of Us“, which may look like a new Uncharted, but according to the developers, it’s quite different.  Not like that would be a bad thing, but you know what I mean.  Looking ahead to the near future, “The Last of Us” will hit store shelves on June 14th, and will be an exclusive title for the PS3; sorry Xbox’ers.  Like you needed more depressing news after Monday’s debacle?  Naughty Dog has released brand new demo discs to many of the latest news outlets, which means savory new, HD game play footage that you absolutely must-see.  Did I mention the game play video is more than 15 minutes long?  You’re welcome.

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We’re the Millers Movie Trailer

On August 9th, rising comedic star Jason Sudeikis will attempt to deliver hundreds of pounds of marijuana across the US-Mexico border for fellow comedian turned billionaire Ed Helms.  The movie is called, We’re the Millers, and it also stars Jennifer Aniston who plays a stripper, who goes on to pretend to be Jason’s, err, Mr. Miller’s wife.  I’m a big Sudeikis fan, as he’s been one of the few truly funny actors/comedians on SNL over the last few years, but the real steal of the show might just be his fake son, Will Poulter, who looks familiar, but after looking through his IMDB profile I still have no idea where I recognize him from.  The end of this trailer is awesome, and this movie looks like it will be a great one!

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Arrested Development Video: David Cross and Portia de Rossi Interview

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Tobias Funke.  We are less than four freaking days until the long awaited Season 4 (are we calling it a “season”?) of arguably one of the best television shows in history, Arrested Development.  The cast has been filming around the clock, and when they’re not recording episodes, they’re jumping in front of the camera taking interviews to ratchet up the marketing plan.  If you don’t have Netflix digital yet, what in the world are you waiting for?  Do you realize this amazing show will be live in less than four days?  And are you also aware that a Netflix digital subscription only costs $8 freaking dollars?  No, we’re not on commission, but maybe we should be.  I can’t wait!  Enjoy the Funke family interview, and we’ll have more to follow!

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Captain Phillips Movie Trailer

In 2009, Somali Pirates did something that hasn’t been accomplished in two hundred years: they captured and hijacked an American cargo ship in International waters.  Based on this true story, Captain Phillips stars Tom Hanks in what looks to be a really bad ass movie, even if we all know what the outcome was (Navy SEALs 1, Somali Pirates 0).  The film, which is directed by Oscar-nominee Paul Greengrass, is based on the real Captain Phillips’ book on the pirate experience, A Captain’s Duty: Somali Pirates.  The film hits theaters this fall on October 11th, and if I don’t get a chance to catch this one in theaters, I will definitely be looking for it on Red Box or On Demand.

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