8 Zerg Rush Funny Pics to Remind You How Much You Suck at StarCraft

I love me a good RTS game.  My addiction began with the legendary Command & Conquer series, as I pretended to have the flu in grade school so I could destroy a motherf*cker on Heat.net (you’re probably too young to remember that; I’ll do a feature on it soon) with swarms of Soviet tanks in Red Alert.  I was pretty darn good, and my uber C&C skills carried over nicely to just about every other game, until I started playing StarCraft II.  Maybe it’s because I don’t have nearly enough time as I used to, or maybe I’m just getting old (30 in t-minus one week), but I am getting absolutely destroyed on multiplayer, specifically by the damn Zerg.  Thankfully I am not alone, as it seems to be the one rush that has defined the StarCraft series, much like the 8 Soviet tanks in Red Alert.  Although StarCraft fans will truly appreciate the following hilarious Zerg rush funny pics, if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of an RTS multiplayer rush, then you’ll likely get a kick out of these as well.  So without further adieu, I present the top 8 Zerg rush funny pics just to remind us all how much we all suck at StarCraft!

The Top 8 Zerg Rush Funny Pics

OMG Zerg Rush on Yorktown - SlightlyQualified.com

Pigeon Zerg Rush - SlightlyQualified.com

Zerg Rush Airplane - SlightlyQualified.com

Zerg Rush on the Middle Ages - SlightlyQualified.com

Zerg Rush to the Mouth - SlightlyQualified.com

Zerg Rush or North Korean Army - SlightlyQualified.com

Zerg Rush Pac Man - SlightlyQualified.com

Underwater Zerg Rush Shark - SlightlyQualified.com

Which zerg rush funny pic is your favorite?  Which ones are we missing?  Drop us your comments and links below!  More StarCraft goodness soon!

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