What Command & Conquer Taught Me About Business

As I built my outline for this editorial, I nearly halted the piece altogether because of a little known gentleman named Sun Tzu – you may have heard of him.  While The Art of War is sitting on my home office desk’s bookshelf right now, I decided to follow through with this article because while there will be similarities, I am writing this through my own lens – a lens which arguably pulls the worlds of business and war together perfectly through maybe my most beloved gaming series of all-time, Command & Conquer.  While I am still a fanatic of the series, this post could easily be re-titled to encompass the entire RTS, or real-time strategy, game genre since fundamentally they are all pretty much the same.  That being said, as I approach the end of my MBA, and having been in the business world now for nearly six years, I bring you six key tenants that Command & Conquer has taught me about business – there are actually dozens more, but I’ll leave those for the comments!

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5 Video Games That Destroyed My GPA

5 Games That Destroyed My GPA - SlightlyQualified.com

I have been a gamer since my grandmother bought us an NES for Christmas back in the late 80’s, and it’s been a passionate hobby ever since.  Sure I don’t get to play nearly as much as I did when I was a kid growing up (I miss summer break), but that’s life, and I couldn’t be happier right now.  That being said, it’s always fun to get a little nostalgic, especially when we’re talking about retro gaming.  Now that I’m pursuing my MBA, and taking school seriously (thank you Marine Corps!), it makes me laugh pretty hard at how much gaming took priority over my grades, whether I was in eight grade or a senior in college.  Narrowing my list down to the most influentially, GPA-degrading games from my past was hard; my initial brainstorm list totaled 12 pretty prominent games from my school days, so it was pretty tough to pick a Top 5.  But enough with the intro; let’s check out the games!

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8 Zerg Rush Funny Pics to Remind You How Much You Suck at StarCraft

Zerg Rush at SlightlyQualified.com

I love me a good RTS game.  My addiction began with the legendary Command & Conquer series, as I pretended to have the flu in grade school so I could destroy a motherf*cker on Heat.net (you’re probably too young to remember that; I’ll do a feature on it soon) with swarms of Soviet tanks in Red Alert.  I was pretty darn good, and my uber C&C skills carried over nicely to just about every other game, until I started playing StarCraft II.  Maybe it’s because I don’t have nearly enough time as I used to, or maybe I’m just getting old (30 in t-minus one week), but I am getting absolutely destroyed on multiplayer, specifically by the damn Zerg.  Thankfully I am not alone, as it seems to be the one rush that has defined the StarCraft series, much like the 8 Soviet tanks in Red Alert.  Although StarCraft fans will truly appreciate the following hilarious Zerg rush funny pics, if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of an RTS multiplayer rush, then you’ll likely get a kick out of these as well.  So without further adieu, I present the top 8 Zerg rush funny pics just to remind us all how much we all suck at StarCraft!

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PS4 Praised as Perfect Gaming PC

The PC gaming community is a stubborn crowd, and I can confidently make that claim because I consider myself part of that cadre of gamers.  Although consoles have come an insanely long ways over the last two generations or so to match up with PC’s, there still is a gap in a few ways and genres; the most specific gap in my oh so slightly qualified opinion is in the RTS, or Real-Time Strategy genre.  I couldn’t even fathom trying to play Red Alert or Starcraft 2 with a controller; I have got to have a mouse and keyboard or we’re gonna have some issues.  Are we understood?  But then you’ve got extremely prominent video game industry executives that drop the line-blurring bombs like the PS4 is the “perfect gaming PC”.  Say what?  Hit the link below for all of the details.

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