Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise Video

Yes, this is all staged, but this is an absolute must-see video.  Posted just 48-hours ago, the hilarious-yet-you-damn-well-know-you’d-have-a-heart-attack-if-you-saw-it-live Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise prank video has already racked up nearly 20 million views on YouTube; if that isn’t enough to get you to watch this video, then I just feel sorry for you.  Like really, really sorry.  Just watch it.  More great funny & scary videos to come.  After all, Halloween is just around the proverbial corner!

Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise Video

Can you seriously imagine if you were there for this?  If anyone says they wouldn’t fall for this, you’re full of you know what.  The reactions of these random people just coming in to get their Halloween lattes are absolute priceless!  Anyone happen to know which coffee shop this was shot at in NYC?

More great funny & scary videos to follow!  Stay tuned to SQ!

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