Video Games and Blanket Forts; Yes, Blanket Forts

Video Games and Blanket Forts Funny Picture -

Alright fellas, raise  your hand if you ever built a fort in your living room or basement when your buddies came over as a kid.  Yeah, we all did; ladies, many of you probably did the same.  We also probably both played a crap load of video games when we had our friends over.  Since I am now at the ripe age of 30 years, it was primarily the NES, then SNES, Sega Genesis and N64 which carried the bulk of the gaming load, with quite a bit of PC gaming in there as well, courtesy of the entire Command & Conquer franchise (which I dominated, naturally).  But when does the slumber party/fort building/male or female bonding go a little too far?  Oh, there are lots of ways; I won’t let your imagination stop running.  If you really want do laugh, or maybe shudder is a better word, then click below for the oddest slumber party/male bonding experience you will likely ever witness in your lifetime.

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Real Life McLovin in School Yearbook

McLovin for President -

Yearbook photos: everyone remembers them, and no one likes them.  Not then, not the week after, and definitely not twenty years later when you see how goofy you truly looked back in the day.  They do provide a good laugh, however, especially when that super weird kid in your class goes that extra, nerdy mile to make yearbook picture day that much more ridiculous.  My first reaction when I saw the hilarious funny picture below was witnessing McLovin from Superbad for the first time in the movie theater; I was shocked, amazed, yet smiling the entire time.  It was then I realized that it wasn’t actually Superbad which I thought of, but rather Christopher Mintz-Plasse from another great comedy, Role Models.  Hit the link below and I guarantee you’ll have the same reaction.

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