I’ve been historically late to Blizzard games. In the late 90’s, this guy was obsessed with anything on store shelves with a “Command & Conquer” label, so Diablo 1 & 2 never made it on to my hard drive. Once Diablo 3 launched, I decided to buck the trend and grab a digital copy online, only to realize that my laptop may not make it a worthwhile purchase. Bummer. Thankfully, Starcraft 2 is fucking amazing, so I’m pretty happy about that one. Regardless, I’ll be picking up a copy of Diablo 3 for my PS3 the day or week it gets released, which to the best of my knowledge and Interweb research ability is still TBD. The footage looks awesome, and according to Blizzard, it “sizzles”! Hit the link below for the Diablo porn, and stay tuned to SQ for more Diablo 3 goodness!