Most Popular Drunk Foods Around the World

Drunk food, at least at the moment when you and your friends stumble out of the eighth and final bar of the night, tastes like the best meal you’ve ever had in your life.  When you go there two days later for lunch however – and you’re dead sober – you can’t believe you actually ate that junk as you spit it out and apologize to your coworkers.  While I am American, I am only familiar with the usual choices we have after last call, like giant burritos, pizza, taco stands, and heck even late night bagels (thanks SIU!).  That’s what makes the above Buzzfeed video so cool: it only shows you what the most popular drunk food dish is in each major country.  Almost all of them I want to eat right now, but a few (looking at my hoser friends to the north in Canada) I would probably pass on.  Enjoy the video, and as always more comments after the jump!

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Food We Like: Chili’s Margarita Chicken Fresh Mex Bowl

I’m not going to lie: I like Chili’s – especially when the other option is Applebee’s – but I hardly ever go there.  I am travelling a ton for work lately, and I just happened to find myself somewhere in Oklahoma the last two days, so as you can guess, my eatery options were somewhat limited.  Actually there were a ton of options available, but if you’re looking to stay healthy and not eat garbage than you don’t have many options.  Well, there happened to be a Chili’s restaurant right next to my hotel, so I decided to order online to get pick-up.  I haven’t seen the menu in months, so I did a little perusing and came across something new that honestly surprised me: the Margarita Chicken Fresh Mex Bowl.  At a little under $10 bucks for the entree, I decided to give it a whirl – in the end, let’s just say the next time I am trying to out to eat back home, Chili’s will actually come to mind as a legitimate option.

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