Microsoft Does an Xbox One-80; Online Not Required

Holy pivot, Batman!  In a stunning one-80 (you’re impressed, aren’t you?), Microsoft issued a mega press release through the executive fingers of Don Mattrick, President of the software giant’s interactive entertainment business, highlighting two big changes.  First: that ridiculous, once every 24-hour online connectivity/piracy check is no longer in place.  In fact, gamers will only need to connect to the Interweb to validate the game disc after the game is purchased; from then on out no Internet required.  Second: no more fine print or confusion whether or not Xbox One games are trade-inable.  In other words, and to quote Mr. Mattrick, “There will be no limitations to using and sharing games, it will work just as it does today on Xbox 360.” Touch the link below for the official press release from El Presidente, as well as for more of the juicy details.

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