Archer Danger Zone Music Video

I still meet people who have not watched Archer, or maybe a better way to phrase it – I have still met people who haven’t even heard of Archer.  Can you believe it?  What’s that?  You have no idea what show I’m talking about?  Yes, it’s a television show; it airs on FX, and the next season is coming in two months this January.  If you like sarcasm, voice-overs from Saturday Night Live actors (from when that show was actually good), and James Bond-type spy/secret agent stuff, then Archer is right up your alley.  It is absolutely hilarious, and one of my favorites; the next season cannot come soon enough.  As a teaser for the upcoming season, FX just released the hilarious music video spoof you see above from the movie Top Gun’s most-memorable soundtrack tune, Danger Zone.  This is a must-see, and so is Archer this coming January.

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