Video Game of Thrones: Super Mario World

What happens when you fuse the epic HBO fantasy miniseries Game of Thrones with the SNES‘ legendary flagship title Super Mario World?  You get a freaking masterpiece, that’s what you get!  While the above must-see video only covers the intro theme music to Game of Thrones, the quality is out of this world – both in sound and in visuals (Super Mario World’s map really was the perfect choice) – and already has me humming this retro, 16-bit remix in my head, probably all the way to work and back today.  If you’re a fan of either GoT or stellar retro video games – which we are both – then you need to watch this video.  As in right gosh darn now.

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16-Bit Characters in Real Life Photos

Where are all my retro gamers at?  Raise your hand if you grew up on the NES, and if the top two items on your Xmas list started with a Super Nintendo and ended with a Nintendo GameBoy, and I’m talking the old school brick of a GameBoy with a black and white screen.  Color screen?  That wasn’t even a rumor at that point; I think the word “fantasy” is a more apt description.  All of us at that point in the gaming world were longing for realistic graphics, and in the late 80’s/early 90’s, we still had a long ways to go.  The advent of the Super Nintendo really was a neat jump, as it allowed for at tremendous amount more processing power, and maybe above all else, a ton more colors.  It really wasn’t until the N64 however until we really saw an epic graphical jump, and now today, we’re about as realistic as we’re going to get.  Seeing these amazing photochops (easy to do, really) below really brings back some memories, although I’ll admit, there are some characters where I don’t know the game that they’re from.  That’s where you come in; you’re slightly qualified, right?  You raised your hand earlier, didn’t you?

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